Balancing work and caregiving This information is care of The Ministry of Seniors Affairs As an employee and caregiver, you may face challenges trying to balance your work, your caregiving responsibilities and your own health and personal life. A good first step to help you manage your caregiving responsibilities is to plan ahead by thinking about possible next steps in your caregiving role, changes to the care recipient’s living arrangements, or changes to the level or intensity of care required by the care recipient. If possible, share the caregiving duties with other family members and friends, and explore all available community supports and services. You may, however, face challenges with regards to your caregiving that require your employer’s support. If this is the case, you may wish to talk to your employer about possible workplace arrangements to help you better balance your work and caregiving responsibilities. How Nursing & Homemak...
NHI Nursing & Homemakers Inc. is dedicated to the provision of quality health care services, which are innovative and based on the client’s self-defined, unique needs.