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Showing posts from May, 2019

Job Fair at NHI Head Office - May 31, 2019

Nurses are the heartbeat of healthcare

National Nurses Week sets out May 6 to May 12 to honor professional nurses. We are reminded to take a moment to reflect on all the ways in which nurses make a difference in our lives and appreciate the nurses we know and work alongside.The timing coincides with the May 12 birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. Please join NHI in thanking all nurses who make a difference for patients and family members.  Nurses are the heartbeat of healthcare.

National Nurses Week

National Nurses Week sets out May 6 to May 12 to honor professional nurses. We are reminded to take a moment to reflect on all the ways in which nurses make a difference in our lives and appreciate the nurses we know and work alongside.The timing coincides with the May 12 birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. Please join NHI in thanking all nurses who make a difference for patients and family members. Nurses are the heartbeat of healthcare.