Mold can grow on almost any food at any storage temperature and under any conditions. Freezing prevents the growth of mold but won’t kill any mold cells already in the food. The mold that you see on food isn’t the only mold that’s there. If it creates poisons, they’re generally under the surface of the food. Mold can be thought of like a plant. The part you can see is like the flower. Underneath that are roots inside the food that can make it unsafe. The softer the food, the further into the food the mold is likely to spread. Does all moldy food have to be thrown out? Some hard cheeses and hard salami can be saved, if you can cut out the mold at least one inch around and under it. However, it is encouraged that all moldy foods are thrown away. At NHI “We are the people who care, and it shows!”
NHI Nursing & Homemakers Inc. is dedicated to the provision of quality health care services, which are innovative and based on the client’s self-defined, unique needs.